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Title III Consortium

Title III Consortium

The Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve (ESCWR) Title III Consortium serves school districts in Lake and surrounding counties. Benefits of joining the consortium include professional development at no charge to members, professional coaching for TESOL and content area teachers, consultation on district EL programming, the OELPS and OELPA process,  assistance with Title III requirements and compliance as well customized professional development delivered at districts.

School districts and community schools with Title III English learner (EL) allocations of less than $10,000 must join or form a consortium to participate in the Title III grant program in order to receive Title III formula funds. The ESCWR serves as the lead fiscal agent of the consortium; as the sole grantee, the ESCWR administers the subgrant on behalf of all consortium members.  

Title III funds may be used to provide supplemental services that improve the English language proficiency and academic achievement of English learners. All services provided to ELs using Title III funds must supplement, and not supplant, the services that must be provided to ELs under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The district must ensure it meets the three required uses of funds:  effective professional development, family and community engagement activities, and supplemental resources for EL program.

Suggested uses for Title III funds

Professional Development

January 22, 2025: “Scaffolding Content for English Language Learners”

February 19, 2025: “Vocabulary Development for English Language Learners”

March 19, 2025: “Teaching Academic Language to English Learners”

English Language Learners Network

February 5, 2025

May 14, 2025

English Learner Program Resources

English Learner Toolkit (OELA; US Department of Education)

Creating, Enhancing and Sustaining an English Learner Program: The Basics

Task List and Resources for Creating, Enhancing, and Sustaining ELP

Language Usage Survey

Instructional Roadmap for Ohio’s English Learners 

Newcomer’s Toolkit

Instructional Resources

Instructional Guide and Resources for English Language Learners

English Language Proficiency Standards (K-12)

Ohio’s Learning Standards: Extended English Proficiency

¡Colorín Colorado!


SupportEd printables

National Clearinghouse for English Acquisition

Center for Applied Linguistics

Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL): Resource Center

English Language Development Instruction (ODEW)

OELPA Testing 2025 

February 3 - March 28, 2025: Alt. OELPA and OELPA testing window

May 12, 2025: OELPA scores in Centralized Reporting System (CRS)

May 12, 2025: OELPA Rescore and Verification window

Week of June 9, 2025: Family Score auto-delivered

June 30, 2025: Deadline for sending OELPA results to families

ODEW OELPA webpage

Ohio’s English Proficiency Tests Portal

OELPA Test Administration Manual

OELPS and OELPA Accessibility Manual

Test Administrator Certification Course

Test Administrator User Guide

OELPA Webinars

OELPA Constructed Response Rubrics (Speaking and Writing)

Achievement Level Descriptors (by grade level)

English Learner Exit Criteria


Contact Information

Deborah Nanney 
Literacy and ELL Specialist